  • Secure TopBand and hold the other end handle with a straight arm. Breathe out while curling your hand up to your shoulder, keeping your elbow close to you. Reverse the motion slowly to start position.

  • Top-Tip
  • Change arms positions -wider stance, hands curling outside your shoulder line. a narrow stance, hands curling toward your mid chest.
  • Change grips positions- thumb facing out, facing up , facing in or rotation.
  • This variation allows you to emphasise different parts of your muscles.
  • ARMS


  • Secure TopBand and hold the other end handle with a straight arm. Breathe out while curling your hand up to your shoulder, keeping your elbow close to you. Reverse the motion slowly to start position.

  • Top-Tip

  • Change arms positions -wider stance, hands curling outside your shoulder line. a narrow stance, hands curling toward your mid chest.

  • Change grips positions- thumb facing out, facing up , facing in or rotation.

  • This variation allows you to emphasise different parts of your muscles.

  • Position A
    Position B