crossbody fly

  • Secure one side of TopBand. Stand beside it and hold the handle with your arm fully extended. Breath out and contract your pec to bring your arm over the centre of your body. Reverse the motion slowly to start position.

  • Top-Tip
  • Adjust height of TopBand - parallel ,lower or higher than your shoulder line.
  • Change grips-thumb point up, point out , point in.

    crossbody fly

  • Secure one side of TopBand. Stand beside it and hold the handle with your arm fully extended. Breath out and contract your pec to bring your arm over the centre of your body. Reverse the motion slowly to start position.

  • Top-Tip

  • Adjust height of TopBand - parallel ,lower or higher than your shoulder line.

  • Change grips-thumb point up, point out , point in.

  • Position A
    Position B